Cover for Maiolica in Renaissance Venice
Ed. Karine Tsoumis

Maiolica in Renaissance Venice

Ceramics and Luxury at the Crossroads
"Global Luxury in Renaissance Venice" offers an unprecedented exploration of maiolica in the Serenissima set in a vibrant context of hybridity and exchange. Versatile and receptive to all forms of decoration, the medium of maiolica offers a unique point of entry into Venice’s material world as it was shaped by Mediterranean trade and local luxury production.
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Energy Overlays
Ed. Robert Ferry et al.

Energy Overlays

Land Art Generator Initiative
Energy Overlays provides a glimpse into our post-carbon future where energy infrastructure is seamlessly woven into the fabric of our cities as works of public art. Fifty designs use a variety of renewable energy technologies to arrive at innovative site-specific solutions. Power plants of the future will be the perfect place to have a picnic!
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Shadows of Time
Ed. Stephan Koja et al.

Shadows of Time

Giambologna, Michelangelo and the Medici Chapel
Giambologna (1529–1606) is regarded as the most important European sculptor between Michelangelo and Bernini. How did he achieve this status? This volume investigates this question and examines above all Giambologna’s study of Michelangelo, his all-powerful role model, and how he successfully prevailed.   
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49,95 $ [US]
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Cover for The Chasuble of Thomas Becket: A Biography
The so-called chasuble of Thomas Becket (1118–1170) is one of the most magnificent medieval textiles in the Mediterranean region. Richly decorated with ornaments, fabulous animals and figures in lavish gold embroidery with Arabic inscriptions, this precious liturgical garment provides impressive proof of the re-utilisation of the Islamic arts in the Christian world.
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120,00 $ [US]
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Cover for 3.5 Square Meters:
Ed. Maya Vinitsky

3.5 Square Meters

Constructive Responses to Natural Disasters
Natural disasters and their consequences dominate the news almost on a daily basis. Quick-impact preventive and aid measures are essential for the victims to survive. This volume presents a selection of projects which demonstrate impressively how both cutting-edge technology and locally available materials and resources can be used for this purpose.  
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19,95 $ [US]
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Cover for The Power of Line
Ed. Marzia Faietti et al.
In many cultures lines take centre stage in art and science, in writing, drawing and construction. This publication explores the fascination and power of the phenomenon of the line from the point of view of various academic disciplines ranging from the history of art to philosophy and the history of science.
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49,95 $ [US]
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Cover for The Roman Crucible
Julian Gardner

The Roman Crucible

The Artistic Patronage of the Papacy 1198 - 1304 Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, Band 33
This book gathers 13th century art commissioned by Roman popes and cardinals and provides a remarkable insight into the sociology of late medieval artistic practice. It traces how the church's governing body, the Roman Curia, imported art works from Europe to the Latium region and illustrates their enormous impact on Roman culture.
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185,00 $ [US]
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Cover for The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnese
Ed. K. Kissas et al.

The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnese

Athenaia, 4 Topography and History from Prehistoric Times until the End of Antiquity
Im März 2009 veranstaltete in Loutraki die 37. Ephorie für Prähistorische und Klassische Altertümer in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Direktorat für Prähistorische und Klassische Altertümer des griechischen Kulturministeriums und dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Athen die internationale Konferenz, deren Titel dieser Band trägt und bei der Ergebnisse von Forschungen vorgestellt wurden, die einerseits von internationalen Forschungsinstituten und in der ...
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110,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Europäische Galeriebauten
Ed. Elisabeth Kieven et al.

Galleries in a Comparative European Perspective

Galleries in a Comparative European Perspective
21 Beiträge namhafter Experten behandeln die Genese des Raumtyps Galerie und dessen Funktionen ebenso wie literarische und bildliche Galeriedarstellungen. Anhand von Beispielen aus ganz Europa aus dem Zeit­raum 1400 –1800 werden nationale Bau- und Ausstattungstraditionen sowie deren Wechselwirkungen aufgezeigt.
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Cover for Circumlitio
special edition
Ed. Vinzenz Brinkmann et al.


The Polychromy of Antique and Medieval Sculpture
Scholars around the world are researching the degree to which colour was employed in classical and medieval sculpture. Their numerous activities and projects were most recently presented and debated at an international colloquium held in the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung in Frankfurt. The current contributions of 20 internationally known scholars are brought together in this richly illustrated book in English.
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95,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Figures enfantines du Musée National d’Athènes
Eliana G. Raftopoulou
Der vorliegende Band stellt Kinderskulpturen des 4. bis 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. aus dem Nationalmuseum Athen vor. Das bisher meist unpublizierte Material vertritt die attische plastische Tradition der Zeit.
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