Cover for Escape into Art?
Meike Hoffmann et al.

Escape into Art?

The Brücke Painters in the Nazi Period
Based on the extensive stocks of the Brücke-Museum, the publication discusses in detail the everyday reality of the artists under the National Socialists. The measures carried out against the former “Brücke” members as a result of Nazi art policy are explained, together with the direct effects on their creative work and the self-image of the painters within the context of the times.
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39,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Thorsten Sadowsky

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

The Great Masters of Art
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880–1938) is one of the most important artist personalities of the twentieth century; many of his works have become icons of Expressionism. Vacillating between self-doubt and egocentricity, the artist created an incomparably multi-faceted oeuvre with a remarkable instinct for the trends and imbalances of his time.  
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12,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Blue Land and City Noise
Ed. Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy

Blue Land and City Noise

An Expressionist Stroll through Art and Literature
“Are there still any surprises left to be had when it comes to German Expressionism?”, asks the writer Michael Kumpfmüller. Yes, there are, as this beautifully produced volume demonstrates by inviting the reader to an interesting and inspiring stroll through the world of Expressionism with pictures and texts which are seldom shown.
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24,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Vibrant Metropolis / Idyllic Nature
Ed. Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich

Vibrant Metropolis / Idyllic Nature

Kirchner. The Berlin Years
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s move from Dresden to Berlin in 1911 marked a turning point in his art. Under the impression of this most modern metropolis in Europe, during the years between 1912 and 1915 the artist created works which in their exaggerated and concentrated manner can really be regarded as metaphors for the attitude to life at the beginning of the 20th century.
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42,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Emil Nolde
Christian Ring et al.

Emil Nolde

The Great Masters of Art
Emil Nolde was one of the most important exponents of Expressionism, and is considered one of the main precursors of modernism. His virtuoso handling of colour and the incomparable expressiveness of his paintings, watercolours, and Unpainted Pictures astound viewers again and again, and ensure that every exhibition of his work is a great success.
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12,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Emil Nolde
Christian Ring et al.

Emil Nolde

Junge Kunst 11 - Farvens Fortryller Dänische Ausgabe
Sein virtuoser Umgang mit der Farbe und die unvergleichliche Ausdrucksstärke seiner Gemälde, Aquarelle und Ungemalten Bilder beglücken sein Publikum immer wieder aufs Neue und garantieren jeder seiner Ausstellungen größte Resonanz. Emil Nolde gehört zu den wichtigsten Protagonisten des Expressionismus und gilt als einer der zentralen Wegbereiter der Moderne. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Nolde Stiftung Seebüll widmet sich der neueste Band der Jungen ...
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