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Cover for Hijrah
Ed. Idries Trevathan


In the Footsteps of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
With the help of scholars, historians and artists, and through a range of diverse media, this book sets out to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) retracing his movements during the famous Hijrah ‘migration’, from Makkah to the oasis town of Yathrib, soon to become Madinat an-Nabi, the “City of the Prophet”.
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70,00 $ [US]
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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19,95 $ [US]
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Cover for The Art of Orientation
Ed. Mona AlJalhami et al.

The Art of Orientation

An Exploration of the Mosque Through Objects
"The Art of Orientation" explores the mosque through 125 artefacts from across the Islamic world. It employs an original and contemporary approach by incorporating essays by leading Arab and international authors, which provide a fresh interpretation of the cultural history behind the shown objects by interweaving concepts, histories and ideas.
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65,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Kairouan
Wilhelm Hausenstein


Or how Paul Klee became a Painter
The impressions which Paul Klee collected on his journey to Tunisia in 1914, and especially to the city of Kairouan, were of fundamental significance: »Colour and I are one.  I am a painter.« A few years later, in 1921, Wilhelm Hausenstein placed his friend Paul Klee at the centre of his book Kairuan and was thus one of the first people to recognise the artist’s genius.
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29,95 $ [US]
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Cover for Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon
Adriana Proser

Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon

Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society
"Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon" presents sixty-seven masterpieces collected by John D. Rockefeller 3rd and his wife Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller. Illuminating the cultures and history of Asia, the book presents a magnificent selection of sculptures, bronzes and ceramics that range from the late sixth century BCE to the early nineteenth century CE.
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for A Collector's Fortune
Ed. Claus-Peter Haase

A Collector's Fortune

Islamic Art from the Collection of Edmund de Unger Englische Ausgabe
Masterpieces from the world-renowned Keir collection of Islamic art are comprehensively shown, for the first time, in this publication. A selection of 112 exquisite objects instills an appreciation for the wealth and magnificence of oriental art, with a focus on filling gaps between more widely represented styles and periods with particularly rare and unusal finds.
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49,00 $ [US]
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