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Special Offers
Cover for The Infinite
special edition
Ed. Marie Brassard et al.
"The Infinite" documents the making of the ground-breaking immersive VR experience shot entirely aboard the International Space Station. Artists and astronauts joined forces to capture life in the cosmos as never before. In this oversize publication, brand-new views of space and stunning production shots reveal the human imagination’s limitless potential.
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40,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Marcel Odenbach
special edition
Ed. Susanne Gaensheimer et al.

Marcel Odenbach

so oder so
Using collage and montage as a medium and always in connection with his own biography, Marcel Odenbach investigates politically and culturally relevant topics of his time, such as for example the process of coming to terms with Nazi crimes, remembrance culture, the effects and after-effects of European colonialism in Africa, racism and time and time again the relationship between the individual and society.
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Erik Chmil
special edition
Petra Giloy-Hirtz

Erik Chmil

Erik Chmil’s travels and photo expeditions around the world provided the inspiration for “Solitude”, his picture series of abandoned car parks. The result is magnificent photographic works of art whose ordered aesthetic and contemplative aura enchant the viewer, as well as revealing the stories of the different locations when examined more closely.
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Encounters with Art
special edition
Ed. Wolfgang Felten
“Art is art and everything else is everything else.” With this quotation after Ad Reinhardt, Wolfgang Felten hit the nail squarely on the head: art obeys its own rules. The author and photographer have joined together in a unique illustrated book to show this without surrendering the visual to the argumentative.
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85,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Burhan Doğançay
special edition
Ed. Elsy Lahner et al.
The wall was his passion. If we look at urban walls with the eyes of Burhan Doğançay  a completely different world opens up: half-ripped posters on rough brickwork, covered ingraffiti, scribblings, messages, signs, stickers. From this rich stock of structures, signs and symbols the artist created his wall fragments, his “Urban Walls”.
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39,95 $ [US]
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Cover for The Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank
special edition
We use money every day in the form of banknotes, coins or credit on our bank account. We pay online on the internet, take out loans and save money on bank accounts. But what is money really? Where does it come from? Who controls the banks? What are the tasks of a central bank and how does monetary policy work?
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24,95 $ [US]
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Cover for Extra! Weegee
special edition
Ed. Daniel Blau
No other photographer has caught the sensations, scandals and catastrophes of the 1930s and 1940s in New York City with his camera as captivatingly as Weegee. He was always directly on the spot when it happened and documented the events and the onlookers. All the works come from the N.E.A. agency archive, which was only rediscovered in 2012; most of the vintage prints are being published for the very first time in this volume.
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55,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Werner Graeff
special edition
Ed. Evelyn Bergner et al.

Werner Graeff

Recollections of a Bauhaus Artist
Werner Graeff – painter, graphic artist, typographer, photographer and sculptor – is an important Bauhaus artist and a significant representative of Constructivism in Germany. Prompted by his friend Mies van der Rohe he wrote his moving autobiography “Hürdenlauf durch das 20. Jahrhundert” (The Obstacle Race of the 20th century), which this volume publishes for the first time with a representative selection of texts.
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for EVA & ADELE
special edition
Ed. Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris


You Are My Biggest Inspiration. Early Works
The exhibition "You Are my Biggest Inspiration" in the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris is the first comprehensive solo show of the early work of the radical artist duo EVA & ADELE. In addition to their very first joint work, the video installation HELLAS, the publication shows for the first time early key works which focus attention on the Gesamtkunstwerk EVA & ADELE.
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42,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Kathedralen für den Müll
special edition
Ed. Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg

Cathedrals for Garbage

Winfried Baumann
With his artistic works, the sculptor Winfried Baumann (* 1956) evokes questions of social responsibility and the perception of contemporary social forms. His subjects are highly topical both as regards content with respect to social and urban-planning visions, and also formally as they cross the borders between fine art and applied design.  
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42,00 $ [US]
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