Forthcoming Books
Ed. Re’al Christian et al.
This comprehensive account of the six-year history of Acts of Art, a gallery founded by and for Black artists in Greenwich Village in 1969, includes a complete exhibition record, biographies of the gallery’s key artists, and entries on ... -
Emireth Herrera Valdes et al.
Zigi Ben-Haim
A Journey of DiscoveryZigi Ben-Haim is a painter and sculptor who works with aluminium, wire mesh, burlap, newsprint and unconventional materials. His constant reinvention gives his work a dynamic and powerful vibration that sparks curiosity in its viewers and never ... -
Ed. Eva Karcher et al.
Aesthetics of FreedomCourageous, free, humorous, touching, and disturbing: these works by fifty international artists show how eccentric means more than neurotic or decadent. Eccentricity resists all kinds of ideology, and indeed it can be an engine of social freedom ... -
Nick Mafi
ArtSantiago Calatrava is primarily known for his spectacular architectural feats that span the globe. Yet he has never limited himself to architecture alone; rather, he sees himself as an artist. With his painting, sketching, drawing, sculpture, ... -
Ed. Juliet Simpson et al.
Gothic Modern
Fra Edvard Munch til Käthe Kollwitz"Gothic Modern" illuminates the pivotal discovery of medieval Gothic art for Edvard Munch, Käthe Kollwitz and their artist contemporaries. It explores their deep attraction to the Gothic art of Europe’s north and German lands ... -
Ed. Antonia Hoerschelmann et al.
Erwin Wurm
English EditionWith his Fat Cars and Tiny Houses, his sculptures of cucumbers, and sausages, Erwin Wurm (b. 1954) shines a critical spotlight on consumer society’s manipulative mechanisms and their effects. On the occasion of Wurm’s 70th birthday this ... -
Ed. Suzanne Ramljak
David Smith
The Nature of SculptureSpanning the full career of the sculptor David Smith (1906–65), this study features some fifty sculptures alongside related paintings, reliefs and works on paper to reclaim the primacy of nature within his expansive oeuvre. -
Ed. Nichole N. Bridges
"Narrative Wisdom and African Arts" explores how historical and contemporary African arts make visible narratives rooted in collective and individual memory and knowledge. Historical works made by artists across sub-Saharan Africa during ... -
Peter van Ham
Tabo - Gods of Light
The Indo-Tibetan Masterpiece - RevisitedOver one thousand years old, the Buddhist monastery complex of Tabo with its exquisitely preserved works of art ranks among the most fascinating cultural and historical treasures of mankind. The new edition of this richly illustrated volume shows ... -
Christoph Wagner
Johannes Itten
Catalogue raisonné Vol.III. Documents and Sources on the Biography. Graphic Work, Sculpture, Tapestries, Furniture. 1888-1967The Swiss artist Johannes Itten (1888–1967) was not only a pioneering art theorist and a prominent teacher at the Bauhaus, but he also left an extensive and wide-ranging oeuvre which is only known in part today. The lavishly illustrated ... -
Fernando Mazzocca
La RiconoscenzaAntonio Canova invented a new genre with his "Ideal Heads". They were intended as gifts for close friends and persons he admired as an expression of his affection and gratitude. Starting from the famous bust "La Riconoscenza", ... -
Ed. Tulga Beyerle et al.
Hello Image
The Staging of ThingsHow are design products presented? How do designers, photographers, graphic artists, and companies work together? This publication visualises the creative collaboration of various actors from these fields, highlighting classics of design, ... -
Ed. Lisa Felicitas Mattheis
Leiko Ikemura
Floating SpheresThe Japanese-Swiss artist Leiko Ikemura (b. 1951) has created an internationally recognized and unmistakable body of work. In her artistic universe, there is an interweaving of plant and animal figures, landscapes and the human face. This richly ... -
Ed. Dancing Foxes Press et al.
In the Company of Artists
A History of Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture"In the Company of Artists" is the first major study of Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, the influential summer art school founded by artists for artists amidst the tumult of World War II. Skowhegans philosophy and impact, ...