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Cover for Santiago Calatrava in the Glyptothek
Ed. Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz et al.
Santiago Calatrava’s (* 1951) encounter with the sculpture collection at the Glyptothek in Munich thirty years ago prompted him to create an extensive series of sculptures with the title Die Aegineten (The Aeginetans). This volume focuses attention for the first time on the sculptures and paintings of the famous architect and shows how he was influenced by Antiquity.
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34,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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13,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Circumlitio
special edition
Ed. Vinzenz Brinkmann et al.


The Polychromy of Antique and Medieval Sculpture
Scholars around the world are researching the degree to which colour was employed in classical and medieval sculpture. Their numerous activities and projects were most recently presented and debated at an international colloquium held in the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung in Frankfurt. The current contributions of 20 internationally known scholars are brought together in this richly illustrated book in English.
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54,00 £ [UK]
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