Ein Schatz wird gehoben: Die Auferstehung des verborgenen Königreichs im Himalaya
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Tibetan Mustang
A Cultural Renaissance
Das tibetische Mustang gilt als das »verborgene Königreich« im Himalaya. In einem über 20 Jahre dauerndem Projekt wurden die heiligen Tempelwandmalereien restauriert und gleichzeitig die buddhistischen Traditionen wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die Prachtpublikation dokumentiert mit Fotografien von Luigi Fieni und Kenneth Parker das faszinierende Projekt, die Landschaft Mustangs sowie die spirituelle und weltliche Lebensweise der einheimischen Lobas.
Das Königreich Mustang mit seiner mittelalterlichen Hauptstadt Lo Monthang besticht durch seine heiligen Tempel und die kunstvollen Wandmalereien. Um dem jahrhundertelangen Verfall entgegenzuwirken, startete unter Leitung des Restaurators und Fotografen Luigi Feini ein aufwändiges Restaurierungsprojekt. Das Besondere: Dieses wurde nach einer speziellen Ausbildung durch die ortsansässigen Lobas durchgeführt. Die einzigartige Initiative führte zu einer kulturellen Renaissance und dem Fortbestand der tibetisch-buddhistischen Traditionen.
The arresting photographs in Tibetan Mustang, along with accompanying morsels of insightful text, illuminate the ongoing effort in a remote corner of Nepal to preserve a sublime, precariously endangered culture and the community it sustains. It’s an absolutely magnificent book.
Jon Krakauer, author of Into the Wild and Under the Banner of Heaven
This is an incredible book by someone who has lived the Loba life. Luigi and team gives you an authentic picture of Mustang, its culture and people. I am immensely grateful to Luigi, American Himalayan Foundation and the team who have worked relentlessly for more than two decades in the restoration of Jampa and Thupchen monasteries. I am proud to say their work has brought life back to our monasteries and turned it back into a spiritual haven for the people of Mustang. My father, the late King Jigme Palbar Bista, dreamt of seeing Mustang in its full glory while requesting AHF to help restore the monasteries, and now seeing monks perform religious ceremonies and pilgrims coming from all over Mustang, I truly understand that my father’s dream was — a cultural renaissance. This book is special for me and my family because Luigi is a local of Lomanthang in true sense, he dances our dance, eats our food like it’s a delicacy, understands our language and culture, and most importantly understands us like a family.
Jigme Palbar Bista, Crown Prince of Mustang
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Tibetan Mustang: A Cultural Renaissance is a marvelous book. The photographs are stunning, rich, gorgeous, and perfectly curated. And Luigi’s clear and soulful writing has well distilled his twenty-year experience restoring Mustang’s cultural treasures. As someone who has traveled to Mustang many times, I have watched Luigi literally turn farmers into restorers and seen the many years of neglect and weather be wiped away to reveal vibrant living deities under his skill and direction. Now the crown jewel, Thubchen Gompa, is once again a masterpiece filled with rare Buddhist wall paintings restored to their original exquisite beauty. And, meaningfully, in this book he lets the reader in on how many pieces had to be gently coaxed into place for those paintings to be restored. In Tibetan Buddhism, the paintings themselves are deities and they must be made whole for the sanctity of temple to also be restored and the gods worshipped. It is conservation at its most meaningful and culturally relevant.
Erica Stone, President, American Himalayan Foundation
There is no secret: if this book succeeds in capturing the magical surrealism of Mustang, it’s because it’s the fruit of over 20 years of a passionate love story.
Éric Valli, Academy Award nominated film director and photographer
It is fascinating and moving to witness these works while leafing through the impressive illustrated book. // Es ist faszinierend und bewegend, im beeindruckenden Bildband blätternd Zeuge dieser Arbeiten zu werden.
NDR Kultur
Fotograf Luigi Fieni, Kenneth Parker
sofort lieferbar
Vorwort von SH Sakya Trichen, Essays von Luigi Fieni und Amy Heller
Text: Englisch248 Seiten, 180 Abbildungen in Farbe
27,9 x 35,6 cm, gebunden
Coffee-Table-Format, haptischer Einband, exklusives Kunstdruckpapier
ISBN: 978-3-7774-4197-9
Kunstgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Wandmalerei, Klöster, Buddhismus, Tempel
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Hirmer Verlag GmbH
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