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Cover für Making American Artists
Making American Artists
Stories from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 1776–1976
What does it mean to be an American artist? The exhibition probes what it meant to be an American artist when the first art school and museum in the United States was founded and what it meant to be one by the late twentieth century, traversing two hundred years of creativity and change through over 100 significant works.
Chapel Hill | Ackland Art Museum at UNC Chapel Hill
05.02.2025 - 11.05.2025
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Cover für Making American Artists
Making American Artists
Stories from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 1776–1976
What does it mean to be an American artist? The exhibition probes what it meant to be an American artist when the first art school and museum in the United States was founded and what it meant to be one by the late twentieth century, traversing two hundred years of creativity and change through over 100 significant works.
Salem | Peabody Essex Museum
14.06.2025 - 21.09.2025
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Cover für Making American Artists
Making American Artists
Stories from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 1776–1976
What does it mean to be an American artist? The exhibition probes what it meant to be an American artist when the first art school and museum in the United States was founded and what it meant to be one by the late twentieth century, traversing two hundred years of creativity and change through over 100 significant works.
Roanoke | Taubman Museum of Art
25.10.2025 - 25.01.2026
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